I collect shopping bags... I found myself obsessed by GAP shopping bags... but not because I was shopping there (never have), but because I began seeing them in garbages piles all over the place, and lots of times containing garbage.

These bags hold a great fascination for me... great job in marketing (I guess millions of $$$ spent), they are totally unmistakable.

The “fashionable” carry it on the streets as an emblem of youth and style, but when they lie all crumpled up and thrown away in the garbage they seem abandoned and sad... I love them... the blue and white is so spiritual, so clean, so simple...

I paint on them feverishly as they are a brilliant vessel that holds great energy and excitement for me.

The significance of the word GAP, well, for me... I find it interesting because the gap is that opening that allows us to transcend... the place we all long for in meditation... that place where we get great insights and glimpses of genius... so it's interesting that the GAP would use this for their shopping culture... I use these bags being very aware of this, personally this speaks to me.

By the way, this is not a random choice, I also love “roots” bags... precisely for that reason, because these words are walking around on the shopping bags as an advertisement about “being in the gap” or connecting with our “roots”... it is indeed a subliminal suggestion...

I continue to pick them up whenever I see one...

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